Requests for improved hygiene and safety behind Nimo KG’s increased sales in Canada

Nimo-KG is selling more single and two-column lifts than ever to the Canadian manufacturing industry. In 2018, one of this Swedish company’s distributors in Canada contributed to a considerable increase in orders received.

“It is primarily the Canadian foodstuffs and pharmaceutical industries that use our lifts. They regard them as the market’s most safe and hygienic machines,” explains Carina Thern, Area Sales Manager at Nimo-KG.

Nimo-KG has been delivering lifts to Canada for many years, however, 2018 turned out as a record year. The Nimo-KG distributors in the country report that increased awareness of hygiene and safety are deciding factors in the growing demand for single and two-column lifts.

“These lifts are designed to ensure uncompromising hygienic standards in a given production setting, which of course is an important element in the foodstuffs industry. By customising the machines to the specific production systems of our clients, we help them to always meet their demands on hygiene,” says Carina Thern, and she continues:

“In Canada, there are currently also efforts under way to reduce work-related injuries in the manufacturing sector. Production equipment upgrades constitute one part of this effort, and here our lifts stand out as one of the solutions since they guarantee a very high level of safety to the operators.”

Carina is confident that Nimo-KG will continue to increase its deliveries to North America, chiefly by maintaining a high level of satisfaction among its customers.

“As an OEM supplier, customer satisfaction is the best way to expand our cooperation with the distributors and this way deliver even more machines during 2019.”

The single-column lift is setting sales records – a new generation will soon be introduced

Nimo-KG is selling more single-column lifts than ever. In 2018, 110 lifts were delivered to manufacturing industries around the world and now the company from Skåne, Sweden is in full swing with the development of the next generation single-column lifts that are scheduled to hit the market by mid-year.

“We are capturing new market shares as a growing number of industries are becoming aware of our lifts, and the increase in sales will continue into the new year. Among other things, the new generation of single-column lifts has an updated design and several new features that will improve both ergonomics and safety,” says Martin Olsson, CEO of Nimo-KG.

Of the 110 lifts with the designation SKV 300 C3 sold by Nimo-KG in 2018, most were delivered to the food industry, in particular to the meat packing industry in Sweden, Germany, Norway and France.

“Europe is our biggest market, but we sell to customers all over the world and to a wide range of industries. One example is our recent delivery of a special solution with a single-column lift to a manufacturer of halogen lamps who needed a new way of handling discarded lamps without the risk of glass splinters being spread over the premises.

To meet the growing demand and to increase production capacity, Nimo-KG has implemented a number of measures, including the recruitment of Per-Erik Skeppstedt as new Electrical Manager of the company’s newly started department for industrial automation.

“Having that type of in-house expertise means that we can take on more projects since lead times can be shortened, but first and foremost that we now have full quality assurance even on this part of the product design process. Even though we are selling increasingly more machines, the most important thing is to always ensure that we maintain the highest quality in every machine we deliver.”

Some examples of new features on the upgraded single-column lift, SKV 300 C4, are the possibility of full-cover chain protection, a safer and more ergonomic trolley catch and a new solution for the chain tensioner.

“It is in our dialogue with our customers that we receive feedback about their specific needs and this is how we can further improve our machines. The upgrades we are now implementing are based on this feedback,” says Martin Olsson.